SavaVET Puppy deWormer (Generic Drontal puppy) 15ml

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KIWOF PUPPY SUSPENSION Pyrantel Pamoate and Febantel suspension COMPOSITION: Each ml contains: Pyrantel Pamoate 14.4 mg Febantel 15 mg PHARMACOLOGY: Pyrantel pamoate is active against hookworms and ascarids (roundworms). Pyrantel pamoate acts on the cholinergic receptors of the nematode resulting in spastic paralysis. Peristaltic action of the intestinal tract then eliminates the parasite. In this fixed combination product, the pyrantel and febantel act synergistically against nematodes (ascarids, hookworms and whipworms) of dogs. In particular, the spectrum of activity covers Toxocara canis, Ancylostoma caninum and Trichuris vulpis.

SavaVET Puppy deWormer (Generic Drontal puppy) 15ml is available to buy in increments of 1

INDICATIONS: For the treatment of roundworm infections in puppies and young dogs up to one year of age caused by: Ascarids Toxocara canis, Toxascaris leonina Hookworm Ancylostoma caninum, Uncinaria stenocephala Whipworm Trichuris vulpis DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION: The dose is 1 ml suspension per kg bodyweight, Every two weeks till 3 months of age, Every month from 3 to 6 months of age and Every 3 months after age of 6 months. Administration is by the oral route. The product may be given directly to the puppy or mixed with the feed. No special dietary measures are necessary. It is recommended that treatment should be started at 2 weeks of age and should be performed repeatedly at suitable intervals (for example every two weeks) until weaning CONTRAINDICATIONS, WARNINGS, ETC: Do not use simultaneously with compounds containing piperazine. Parasite resistance to any particular class of anthelmintic may develop following frequent repeated use of an anthelmintic of that class. The safety of the product has not been assessed in puppies younger than 2 weeks and weighing less than 0.6 kg. In very rare cases mild transient digestive tract signs (e.g., vomiting, diarrhoea) may occur. The anthelmintic effects of both pyrantel (spastic paralysis) and piperazine (neuromuscular paralysis) may be antagonised when the two drugs are used together. User safety Wash hands after use. Avoid direct contact with the skin and eyes. In case of accidental spillage wash the affected area immediately with clean running water. Environmental safety Any unused product or waste materials should be disposed of in accordance with national requirements. Use during Pregnancy and Lactation This product is contra-indicated for pregnant and lactating bitches. Side Effects The side effects are rare at the recommended dosage. It has a wide margin of safety for all sizes and breeds of dogs. It is approved for use in puppies as young as 2 weeks of age and may be combined with other treatments, for example heartworm prevention, flea and tick treatments, vaccination. PRESENTATION: Bottle (15 ml)

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